Consult old


Is Midwifery Care Right For You?

Below you can learn:

What do Midwives do?

How to book a phone consult?

Follow the steps to see if Midwifery is for you.

Antelope Valley Birth Center

Step 1

Watch the "TOUR" video

Antelope Valley Birth Center

Step 2

Watch the "What do Midwives do?" video

Antelope Valley Birth Center

Step 3

Schedule a Phone consult with the Midwife

Step 1

Start Here- watch the TOUR video and see what the Antelope Valley Birth Center has to offer. 

Step 2

What do Midwives do?

In this video you will learn:

  • What do Midwives do
  • How are we different form OBs
  • Who should not hire a Midwife
  • What servives we offer

Ready to move forward?

Your next step is to book a phone consult with the Midwife. This will give you an opportunity to ask any further questions.

During the consult:

  • The midwife will ask you medical history questions to determine if you qualify for Midwifery care
  • The Midwife will answer any of your questions not answered in the videos.
  • Schedule you for a in person consult so we may all meet and make sure this is a good fit for everyone BEFORE establishing care. 

Cost of services is $7500

includes :

prenatal care

Doula support

Hypnobirthing Child Birth Class

Labor and birth at home or birth center

Mother and newborn postpartum care for 8 weeks post birth

on call 24/7 for emergent questions

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